Website terms
Who we are and how to contact us
In the following section, we provide information about the website, which was created by Dalhousie University’s Food Policy Lab and is hosted on the platform Squarespace, Squarespace.Inc. The Food Policy Lab is a research program led by Dr. Catherine L. Mah, Canada Research Chair in Promoting Healthy Populations and Associate Professor in the School of Health Administration in the Faculty of Health at Dalhousie University. We can be contacted at PO Box 15000, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, B3H 4R2 or via email
Food Policy Lab: “we”, “us”, “Food Policy Lab”
Squarespace: “Squarespace”
What information is collected
Squarespace collects information about your interactions on this site, as it does for all Squarespace websites. However, the data is anonymized and does not focus on you individually. This is then used to evaluate, provide, protect or improve their services.
How that information is collected
Some of this information is collected automatically using website cookies (small pieces of information) and similar technologies. Since the Food Policy Lab is the website administrator, cookies are controlled by us. As such, we have disabled cookies on this site. This means we and Squarespace have limited ability to track your movements on our site. Some additional information is typically collected through your browser.
Newsletter subscription information
Once subscribed to our newsletter, we will send you our monthly newsletter via the email you have provided. You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of the email – “unsubscribe”. By subscribing to our newsletter, you are consenting to have your personal information—first name, last name, and email address provided—to be collected and shared with us and hosted on Squarespace as they are our marketing service provider. This data is collected for the purpose of sharing our newsletter with you.
Why your information may be further shared
Squarespace, as a commercial entity, may disclose personal information if there are grounds to suggest laws, protection of individual rights, property or interests have been violated. Lawful requests may also result in personal information being disclosed.
More resources about privacy
This information is informed by federal government resources from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner, which emphasizes the obligation to maintain responsibility for the guarding of personal information and fair handling. PIPEDA (Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act) covers the personal information-handling of businesses in the course of commercial activity.
PIPEDA-compliant Privacy Policy
Municipalities, universities, schools, and hospitals are generally exempt from PIPEDA. We are subject to provincial privacy policy such as PHIA, the Nova Scotia Personal Health Information Act. No personal health information is collected on this site.
NS Personal Health Information Act
Most design and website logos by M Clarke, with original FPL logo by Perfect Day. Photography by CL Mah and GW Schnitzler. Stock images provided by UnSplash via Squarespace. Website design by M Clarke and CL Mah on Squarespace, 2021 all rights reserved.
Contacting us to report copyright infringement
If you become aware and wish to report copyright infringement, please contact us via email